Showing posts with label Holland Phillips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holland Phillips. Show all posts

Instrumental New Age Review: Holland Phillips-A Sense of Distance

Release Date: July 12, 2024

Label: ‎Ageless Records


With A Sense of Distance two years in the making, Holland Phillips has a reason to be filled with anticipation and energy. His listening audience may feel the same, as the artist believes it is some of his best work. If that is what the creator believes, I will also agree.


"Perseus Rising" begins the recording. Looking at the cover art, I imagine the distance from what we see above us. The track starts with the piano and synth for an added layer of texture. It has a nice feel and a rhythm that anyone can find a commonality with. It's a great way to start your journey.


"Through the Rabbit Hole" takes a different turn. The title sets the stage for the music and your interpretation. You can immediately feel the change in mood from the previous track. It sounds intellectually stimulating or thought-provoking, like something from a movie scene.


"Bittersweet" has a dual meaning, so how does that flesh out on the track? The piano and synths create an atmosphere that helps you visualize that feeling. It's part anticipatory and part soothing music, which are also two sides of the coin, as it were.


"Behind the Veil" starts with a mysterious sound, as it should. What is behind that veil? The question is out there for you to discern within the music. The use of the keyboards is significant in all the music, and there is no better way to paint the proper picture than with this track's textures and melancholic atmospheric touch points.


"Enchantments" begins with a touch of grace and beauty that is truly captivating. As the piano starts, another layer of keys enters the mix to fixate on the track's meaning; the intent pulls you quickly, and you become enchanted. It's a track that will leave you spellbound.

The title track, "A Sense of Distance," begins another significant journey being the title track. It starts upbeat with a happy-sounding piano and underlying synth where the music floats around your immediate space, physical or mental; you can feel it. A thread turns into a patchwork quilt of ambiance and relaxation.


"Flying Solo" tells you from the start that it's just you and the music. Are you ready to take flight and let the frequencies and sounds lead? The music is soft and inviting, with some high points that create positive and encouraging energy. At least, that is what I heard while listening; it is your solo flight, so listen and let it take you where you want to go. Simple.


"Hope Remains" is what it says. We all hold onto hope regardless of what life has given us. That comes from a point of strength, the core of your being. This is another atmospheric beauty defined by musical notes and the layers a keyboard and synth can create. It is very orchestral and poignant, with the perfect balance of sounds.


"On Whistler's Ridge" starts with percussion and a solid but soft bass line. The piano is constant, and the synth echoes in the background. For more effect, you hear a tambourine as the bass and percussion continue to create a path for everything else to follow. It is one of the longer tracks (4:41) but one of my favorites.


"For The Love of It" opens the door to transformation. You do certain things (I hope) simply because you love to do them. It makes you whole, completes your life cycle, and gives it more meaning. It is a stunning way to end this recording. The music is so clear, flowing, and full of life. The simple things in life can become more meaningful than life if you do it because you love it. For me, it is music, without a doubt, that brings me absolute joy. It has significantly changed my life.


Everyone creates A Sense of Distance. Suppose you are free from debilitating addictions, negative thought patterns, or anything holding you back. In that case, the distance either becomes further away or gets closer to realizing its true meaning and sets you free, which assists you in going in the direction that will recharge your spirituality and hopefully change things for the better for a more satisfying and fruitful existence.


Yes, music can be that powerful and influential; I hope you, as a listener, can find the path that gets you there through this music listening to A Sense of Distance.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-NAMR Founder

July 12, 2024


01. Perseus Rising

02. Through the Rabbit Hole

03. Bittersweet

04. Behind the Veil

05. Enchantments

06. A Sense of Distance

07. Flying Solo

08. Hope Remains

09. On Whistler’s Ridge

10. For The Love of IT

Contemporary Instrumental Review: Holland Phillips - Leaning Toward Home

Release Date: September 21, 2018
Label: Ageless Records

My experience with the music of Holland Phillips is Circles of 8 and then I went on another journey with Under a Second Moon. Now another year has already passed and Leaning Toward Home will be arriving within a matter of days.

I get off easy calling Holland’s music contemporary instrumental. It is hard to define so that is the best tag to put on it. It is a fusion of sounds. You can call it whatever you want but I do highly recommend giving it all a good listen.

All the music was composed and performed by Holland. The man is a magician on the keyboards and he generates enough instrumentation to sound like an entire band on this recording.

I like being challenged with music, in a sense that it makes me think, it allows me my own space inside my head and in my soul. That is the complete circle for this listener. It takes a special kind of music to allow that to happen. Holland could not have said it better when he referred to this production as magic. To me, that is the beauty and perfection of music, more importantly, instrumental music that has the ability to sweep you away to an altered consciousness, a better state of mind, body, and spirit.

The title track said it all for me. It has that magical and mystical atmosphere that takes you right in and hangs on until the track fades away. There are so many sounds, consistencies, and bright colors to be discovered on “Leaning Toward Home.”  In fact, the entire recording offers so much diversity in sound that each track brings another feeling and atmosphere to light, it is like watching an ever-changing colorful lava lamp except this is translated to sounds, vibrations, something that is more meaningful and spiritual.

I think what Holland Phillips wants more than anything is for you, the listener, to discover the magic that he did in the music. Your realizations that are found inside the music can be joyous, revealing and mind-expanding. It is what you make it, the choice is yours.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
September 11, 2018

Founder of:

Review Provided By MuzikMan Music Reviews & News


01. Prelude to a Dance
02. Before the Epilogue
03. Roadside Brew
04. Time Travels
05. A Sip of Potion
06. Moving Forward
07. Leaning Toward Home
08. Full Circle
09. Surprising Turns
10. Along the Way
11. Bedtime Stories


Instrumental New Age Review: Holland Phillips-Under A Second Moon

Release Date: August 25, 2017
Label: Ageless Records

Around the same time last year, I got some music in from Holland Phillips. I had the pleasure of hearing and reviewing his Circles of 8 recording.

It is now 2017 and Under A Second Moon is getting set to arrive on our doorsteps.  Where Holland began his first journey he now continues, well in fact he never stopped. He just kept creating and recording. Again, he decided to concentrate on harmonics and vibrations. The results are superlative once again!

The production values are top notch and the use of keyboards and synths are brilliantly utilized by this creative maestro. Holland is not only a musician but an author as well. This is an outlet, a place where anyone can escape to. If its fantasy or real, or just a space in time to occupy for you to recharge your batteries, it is available through this music.

Each track seemingly blends into the next, gently beckoning your soul to participate in this atmosphere of sounds, textures and wonderlands of the mind. And most importantly it belongs to you the listener. Here is your chance to create your own little slice of heaven through music.

I believe Holland is an excellent composer, a multi-talented artist that can paint a picture visually with either words in a book or through his fingers into the instruments he uses.
I found Under A Second Moon to be a very pleasant listening experience and just as enjoyable as last year’s offering.  This a coloring book for the soul, the music are your crayons and you are the book. The title track was the one song that cemented the concept and meaning of this project for me, it colored my heart and mind. Adding the saxophone (Paul Christensen) was the finishing touch. And this was at the midpoint of the recording and I was already thinking that it could not get much better. That track was hard to top however the consistency and quality of the music held up as the stories weaved their spell throughout each succeeding track.

Each track was a different shade or color, a variation of moods that danced with the music. It all made me feel invigorated, joyous and glad to be alive. I do not always feel that way so once again the magic of music casts its spell and it won me over again. Interesting enough “Long Way Home,” reminded me of early progressive rock or even band’s like Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk. I would really like to hear more of that style on the next album.

Thanks again for the trip far away from stress and worry Holland, your creative genius soothes my soul and wets my appetite for your next project.

4/5 Stars

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
August 9, 2017
Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. Out of the Frying Pan
02. Taking the Road Not Taken
03. A Moment in Time
04. Possibly Maybe
05. Under a Second Moon
06. Love Comes Gently
07. Long Way Home
08. Deepening Skies
09. Looking Back
10. It Comes to This       
11. Fairytale Nights 


Instrumental New Age/Jazz Review: Holland Phillips-Circles of 8

Release Date: August 26, 2016
Label: Ageless Records

Holland Phillips is set to release his fifth album titled Circles of 8
I was curious to know more about the artist, his process and what the title of the recording referred to. I received some good information from Holland regarding that.

Holland wrote all the songs and began by warming up on the piano at first which set the tone for the album. Usually he would have a set of ideas or tracks leftover from the previous release however this time he would start from scratch which makes this project even more compelling from where I sit. The correlation between the music creation and numbers is significant as well. 

Holland said this about the tracks: They came quickly, in sets of three over a period of about 8 weeks.  It wasn’t long before I knew what the album would feel like, and what the title of it would be.  As the album notes talk about, Circles of 8 is really an idea that revolves around the circles that we all experience, and that 8 is one of the fundamental vibrations of life as we know it.  Interestingly enough, at the same time that the album was being formed, I was cataloging all the recordings that I’ve done over the years – the total including the eleven that make up this album ended up at 96 – which, ironically enough, is 12 multiples of 8.

The production (with Ronnie Campbell), engineering (with Frank D.) synths, pianos and guitars where all completed by Holland along with the saxes by Paul Christensen. I certainly like to give credit where it is due with such an interesting and captivating recording. 
“Starting Over” is the perfect title to open the album considering all the processes he described. It is an ambient number that lets you relax and kind of just melt into the music like a big comfy chair. Then a different tone and atmosphere settles in with the following track “Night Tracks.” The gentle piano and tick tock rhythm of the synths sets the pace as each layer is added it gets more introspective and colorful. It is night when we all unwind (hopefully) and the world pauses to recharge their batteries to be able to face the next day’s challenges. Music like this does renew you.

“Stephanie's Song” is like a combination of new age and the quiet storm as smooth jazz lines come from the sax and keyboards are interspersed for an effective combination of texture and musical paint if you will. The canvas of your mind clears and you begin to rewrite the story your own way and create a masterpiece of serenity and joy. The atmosphere provided washes away the day.
I really appreciate the combination of jazz and new age fused together and not because they are two of my favorite genres but recognizing that they are close cousins, taking elements of the same foundation to build something special that you will not forget. I admire any artist that can take a blank canvas and create something so beautiful and that is exactly what Holland does on Circles of 8.

If you have ever given any thought from whence we came about our past in ancient times, then there is a track for you to reflect upon that. “Strains of an Ancient Past” is a slow burner that induces a contemplative state and in the same instance creates wonder and the sensations of floating and going back to another place in time when things were much simpler and made more sense. It is ironic in a sense that technology created the music that brings you back so far. There can be a lot to think about while listening, dependent on your state of mind however this music is meant to heal and relax. The harmonics are mesmerizing and allow all of that to happen with ease.

Circles of 8 is full of compositions that are both inspirational and spiritual, which is what I find in most music if I am willing to really listen and absorb it. It was easy to accomplish that with Holland’s music.

4/5 Stars

Key Tracks: Night Tracks, Stephanie's Song, Strains of an Ancient Past

01. Starting Over
02. Night Tracks
03. Stephanie's Song
04. The Journey
05. Strains of an Ancient Past
06. Save the Dance
07. Circles of 8
08. The Moment
09. Marking Time
10. Classic by Design
11. Lullabye for Us

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
August 21, 2016
Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews