Showing posts with label NTHNL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NTHNL. Show all posts

Instrumental New Age/Ambient/Meditation Review: NTHNL-Ontogenesis

Release Date: July 12, 2024

Label: ‎Independent


The album Ontogenesis by NTHNL is different from your typical collection of songs. It's a unique and captivating transformative journey, part of the Tranquility Studies series, precisely volume 3. Each track, known as Music of the Body (specifically), serves as a gateway to a new state of being, setting it apart from other ambient new-age music.

This is a soundtrack to feed the mind, body, and spirit. The music of the body speaks to us all in different ways. If you look at the track listing, it gives you a detailed description of what the body does, can, or will do during this procession of sounds, textures, and light, and, for instance, in the second track, "Nourishing, holding," it begins with the sound of waves. The soothing sound of water, used frequently during meditation recordings, is spiritually connected to all life. To return from whence we came, the beginning can be a cleansing experience.


As is usually the case with ambient new-age music, the main instrument is keyboards or synths. This provides a perfect foundation and a springboard to other sounds, computer-generated or natural, that complement that primary base.


Another example of a prolific exercise is "processing, detoxifying," which ends with birds chirping. It's a nice touch after all that focus and relaxation. Those two words are essential; you must process them before detoxifying the mind or body, mentally and physically; they all work together seamlessly. However, if we let them, they can put us in the wrong direction and have us self-destruct, thus the detoxification. The body and mind are incredibly complex instruments. We must be the masters of ourselves; our well-being and spirituality are intrinsically connected.


The arrangement and duration of the tracks in Ontogenesis are meticulously crafted to guide you into a state of focus and meditation. This paves the way for an altering experience, potentially leading to profound healing and offering a beacon of hope and optimism. Furthermore, the album beckons you to venture into unexplored realms of perception and existence, fostering a deep sense of self-healing.


I like the thought and action of "straightening, dispersing," which by no coincidence is the lengthiest track at 5:34. To me, I believe the straightening is the leveling of the body and dispersing your energy to attain that state, which in turn would open the door to absorbing the music and letting it assist you to another state of being. It's kind of like ironing the wrinkles out of some clothing stuffed in a drawer. That is my vision and interpretation alone; it is up to each listener to determine what it means and accomplishes for them. And that is the beauty and simplicity of it all, empowering you to create your own unique experience.


If everything were like music, the world would be a utopia, and alas, we know it is not, and that is precisely why we need tools like NTHNL to provide for us on Ontogenesis. Uncomplicated, pleasant, and easily accessible, that is what instrumental meditation is and always should be. If it's like work, it won't work. It has to be a joyous sense you feel and the freeing of all the sounds that relax your entire being to reach a state of consciousness conducive to a complete change of your surroundings and the trail of thoughts that invade your mind disappear. Now, "return to the cloud, thank you."

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-NAMR Founder

July 12, 2024


01. welcome procession 3:15

02. nourishing, holding 3:13

03. straightening, dispersing 5:34

04. reaching, striving, praying 3:23

05. processing, detoxifying 3:28

06. assurance, rising 2:46

07. heart 3:09

08. aerating, billowing 4:09

09. transmitting, unraveling, communing 4:29

10. synthesis, memory 3:46

11. return to the cloud, thank you 3:38

New Age Meditation Review: NTHNL-Tranquility Studies Vol. 2

Release Date: May 20, 2022

Label:  Independent


Jacob Rudin is the artist NTHNL(Nathaniel). The title Tranquility Studies Vol. 2 expresses what you will hear in this release, literally.

The artist makes a concerted effort to shoot for "low-alpha" or "high-theta" ((around 7-10 Hz). There are 114 minutes of sound in this recording. Each piece is an exceptional tool to focus and meditate, or if one prefers, relax.

The concept of taking electronics and mixing them with instruments is not anything new. The importance of the sound waves coming in at the 7-10hZ level is critical, giving it a substantial variance from the norm. That is the key to your "focus," and attention span. "Soundbath 1" is just the beginning. The frequencies your brain will adjust to and follow rather quickly, and while remaining in that state of consciousness, you take in the instruments, such as the principal flute, mixed in with the sound waves. It is repetitive, like a constant drone or the sounds a didgeridoo can produce. That mesmerizing Australian instrument can maintain a drone with variations of frequencies. That was the one thing I thought of while reading about how this music was constructed and presented in this way.

There are some natural sounds added in for good measure and to differentiate between everything else that is going on. That element is not meant for a refocus but for you to connect and find identification, make you feel good, or make you smile. I love the sounds of all the birds chirping. It is the sound of happiness in nature. That is my interpretation, and everyone identifies differently with the sounds we can hear during a 24-hour period. "Soundbath Two" ends with the sound of rain, which is synonymous with the replenishment of the earth's plants and the very element that keeps all living things alive.

I am pretty sure with all that there is to utilize that, every listener will find the right track or tracks to combine for their meditative healing sessions. There are six lengthy exercises of frequencies, sounds, and music to choose from. You will listen to what works best for you; how you choose to use it is the most crucial factor in getting the maximum out of this musical exercise.

NTHNL does create a bath of sound, and when you frame it in that context, it shines a different light on what Tranquility Studies Vol. 2 can and will do for the discerning listener looking for solace, comfort, healing, deep meditation, or undistracted relaxation.

All tracks are composed, performed, produced, mixed, and mastered by NTHNL. Once you take in the entire experience, you will be impressed by this artist's all-around talent. The flute, woodwinds, saxophone, and many ambient textures are all that you will find abundant in this musical expression. It's chill, new age, ambient, meditation, and all that combined. Every track is entirely different from the last, so do not expect much of the same. And that is a good thing from my listening perspective.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder

August 7, 2022


1.Soundbath 1 23:37

2.Soundbath 2 19:18

3.Soundbath 3 18:28

4.Soundbath 4 16:08

5.Soundbath 5 16:58

6.Soundbath 6 20:30